Businesses are increasingly investing in HPC to manufacture higher quality products faster, optimize oil and gas exploration, improve patient outcomes, detect fraud and breaches, mitigate financial risks, and more. HPC also helps governments respond faster to emergencies, analyze terrorist threats...
From a Hunch to a Punch: Winning with Analytics
I am writing this after recently attending three conferences focused on Big Data Analytics in New York: HPC on Wall Street Strata Hadoop IBM’s Analytics for All. The technical sessions and the end-user discussions in particular were superb and...
Hey Supercomputer, Pause and Smell the Roses! Enjoy these Fall Colors!
I received an email on my Smart Phone a while ago from Herb Schultz (Marketing Manager, IBM Systems and Technology Group for Technical Computing and Analytics) with the agenda for IBM’s Technical Computing IT Analyst meeting the following week in...
Let’s Venerate the Centenarian Duo: One in Duodecimal the other in Regular Decimal
I called my parents in India this morning. I do this almost every day. But I realized that today (Oct/2) is Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday and his 144th birth anniversary. Then, during my morning jog, in the neighborhood park, on this...
To Tame the Onslaught of Big Data, Better Drink Your V8. It will make You Healthy, Wealthy and Wise.
Velocity: It determines the speed and efficiency in capture, storage and retrieval of data and often drives performance and availability requirements. Veracity: This establishes the authenticity of data that is available to perform analytics and to arrive at useful insights....
Cliff, Cliff on the Hill: Which Emerging Computing Technologies (ECT) to Watch in 2013?
Our best wishes to you, your families and friends for a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year. Much of 2012 was a stimulating hike through the emerging computing technology (ECT) landscape; with the last month or so being an exciting...
Ratcheting up the “Flops”, the US regains Supercomputing Leadership. Keep the Innovation Flame on!
This week’s big supercomputing story – It’s Red, White and Blue and … Green too! This past Monday (June/17), as I was sitting outside; reading and enjoying the nice sunny weather on the East Coast, I received an...
Simply Pure and Purely Simple – Systems, Stacks and Clouds
I recently attended the IBM IMPACT conference. During the keynote, an IBM executive remarked (and I am paraphrasing) – It is very hard to make technology simple. This is a very profound observation. This morning (May/2), comfortably perched in my...
The Pure Thing
Yesterday, I watched from the comfort of my home office, IBM’s PureSystem – “Unveiling of a New Computing Era” announcement in New York City. After the initial background business discussion by Mr. Steve Mills – Sr. Vice President and Group...
The Taming of Data – On the Value Train from Insights to Knowledge to Wisdom to perhaps Happiness?
I recently attended the IBM #SmarterAnalytics Summit in New York City that focused on #Analytics and #Optimization. The sessions and the client panel in particular were superb and enlightening. Beyond, the typical discussions on technology, the IBM client panel repeatedly...