M. R. Pamidi, Ph. D.
MR is a Principal Analyst and covers analytics, IoT, cloud computing, next-gen data center technologies (hardware, middleware, storage, networking), security, mobility, and virtualization. He has over 20 years of experience in the technology industry in enterprise hardware and software marketing, product management, product marketing, and pre- and post-sales activities. He has held senior management and marketing positions or consulted for 802 Secure, Amdahl (acquired by Fujitsu), AOL/Netscape Security Solutions (acquired by Red Hat), Applied Materials, C3DNA, CA Technologies, Cisco, Huawei Technologies, Hewlett-Packard, Infravio (acquired by webMethods), NetApp, Pyramid Technology (acquired by Siemens), SGI, Sensitel, Sun Microsystems (acquired by Oracle), and Supertek (acquired by Cray Research).
MR has authored numerous competitive intelligence reports, FAQs, product brochures, Sales Briefs, and white papers on a wide variety of topics – location-based services, M2M, middleware, mobility, operating systems, security, software, storage, web services, and wireless. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IT Newswire an online publication providing detailed insight and analyses on advanced information technology issues to over ten thousand readers.
MR has a BS (ME) from the University of Indore, an ME (ME) from the Indian Institute of Science, a PhD (Biomechanics) from West Virginia University, a Certificate in Bioscience Business and Marketing from the University of California Extension, Santa Cruz, and attended the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. He is based in Silicon Valley, California.